They're Heeeeeerrrrre!!

Ruby-throated HummingbirdPrepare for your neighborhood to be all abuzz, because hummingbirds have been spotted throughout the area. These miniature marvels have been migrating between North and Central America for hundreds of years, a round trip in which millions of hummingbirds instinctively participate.

For the next few months, backyards around the area will be playing host to these amazing, food-frenzied birds. They possess the fastest metabolism of any animal on the planet, burning through between one to two times their body weight in food every day.

Despite popular belief, hummingbirds do not suck up nectar with their bills. They actually lap it up with their tongues, drawing nectar from its source up and into their mouths almost 12 times a second.

Hummingbirds will head back to Mexico and Central America in late summer, early fall.



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